Why I Wear a Funny Black Shirt with a Plastic Collar
From time to time folks ask me why clergy wear a funny black shirt with a little plastic collar. The answer is neither simple nor universal. I can tell you why I do wear one now, I can tell you why I did not used to, I can tell you why I changed, I cannot tell you why others do with any degree of absolute certainty as it tends to be personal.
I wear a uniform for the same reason everyone else who wears a uniform does. The uniform reminds me that I am not me.
When a US soldier puts on his/her uniform they are reminded (endlessly) in basic training that their life is temporarily not their own. It belongs to the US government and while it is on their back they live as the very embodiment of the best values and qualities of the USA. When a soldier forgets this fact is when the abuses of war happen.
When a police officer puts on her/his uniform they are reminded (and it is right there on the side of their car) that they exist to serve and protect. For the duration that the uniform is on they Are The Law. The Law exists to serve and protect the whole of our nation. When an officer forgets what the uniform means bad things happen; innocents lives are lost, and even not so innocent lives that could have been spared are lost.
I did not used to wear the uniform because I thought that I had pragmatic and programmatic reasons not to. But in the end I realized that I need to be reminded. I need to be reminded that I serve the gospel of Jesus Christ and while I am executing my duties of pastor I am the incarnated church in this world. I am both unworthy, and unwilling to accept this responsibility and would have certainly brought it to ruin without the guidance, strength, wisdom, and encouragement of the Holy Spirit. It is by the Holy Spirit's power I am able to do my job. This is why I wear a uniform not my own, and answer to a name not my own (no, by the way, my mom did not name me "Pastor"). Only by setting myself aside and allowing God's ministry to happen through me can I hope to discharge my duties successfully.
That is why I wear a funny black shirt with a white plastic collar.
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