Exploring new ideas is never an easy or quick task. Deciding on a course of action, especially a frightening one, ought to not be taken rashly. For this reason we at 1st Lutheran have begun an exhaustive study of where we are in the ELCA and where we may be going... Which is to say, perhaps (this is an option) the LCMC. Why? It is a long story, you can get more detail from in the blog posts on this site.
Long story short? We at 1st Lutheran have not shifted course. Our theology, our ecclesiology, our politics, our world-view... all these things have not shifted over the last ten years. We have stayed the course. The same cannot be said of the ELCA. Whether one sees this as the ELCA has grown and we are stagnating, or we are being faithful and the ELCA is degenerating is a matter of perspective. Although one could actively debate the issue, the end result is somewhat academic. The final accounting is that we have stayed the course and the ELCA has taken a massive shift. So, what do we do about that?
There are three options as we see it.
- We shift our thinking to join the ELCA in its new, highly "progressive", course. This would violate our understanding of scripture, our bound consciences and our fundamental world-view. So, this seems unlikely.
- We could remain estranged from the general direction of the ELCA and live connected but isolated lives. Many of my colleagues have done exactly this, and intend to do so into the future. One whom I spoke with recently said to me, "Rus, I am so tired and beaten down, I just want to make it to retirement, then my congregation can do whatever they want. I don't have the energy to stand up to the ELCA." Another of my colleagues recently met with me to talk about their misgivings with the direction of the ELCA because they were seeking God's will in all this, but they didn't know who was "safe to talk to in the ELCA". This seems like a solution that is not in keeping with 1st Lutheran's pro-active spirit.
- We could try to find denominational, or para-denominational leadership that is either on the same course as us, or better yet, ahead of us in order that they may lead the way to better ministry. Is this the choice we will make? It is hard to say at this moment, but it would make sense, and the LCMC seems to fit that bill. (More about why in later posts)
What we do now is in the hands of the Holy Spirit. If God wants us to remain He will make His will known. If not, likewise. We simply are exploring, in order that we might know. My council president and I have consulted with the Bishop. And we have invited him to write a newsletter article that we could share with the community to better understand his point of view. We will also share it here with our thoughts when he writes. In the meantime, pray for us and if you are struggling with this exploration, know that you are in our prayers.
Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders.
Pastor Rus
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