(P)Review Sep. 30 2015. Kiss the Baby, or Why the Pope Wears a Funny Hat.
Kiss The Baby, or Why the Pope Wears a Funny Hat
Mark 10:13-16
People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it." And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them."
I don't agree with everything the guy says, and you would be an odd individual if you did because he says a lot, but I don't know anyone who doesn't at least like the new pope. I love this picture of him picking up a baby that returns the gesture by removing the pope's zucchetto all the while the pope grins like he is the baby's grandpa.
Zucchetto: Yes the pope wears a little white skull cap called a Zucchetto, and no it is not the same thing as a Jewish yarmulke. How so? The Yamulke (or Kippah) is worn as part of a religious observance where Jews must always cover their heads. The pope's hat has accrued meaning and traditions but ultimately the Zucchetto is worn because catholic clergy shaved their heads, which then got cold. Hence, a hat that covered the shaved part became popular, then it became customary, then it became part of the "uniform". Simple as that.
Millinery aside, you gotta love a pope who goes around picking up babies to bless. Interestingly enough he seems to see it as part of his job. Since Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them" this pope, and ostensibly his predecessors, see it as their job to bless the little children. Francis went so far as to offer a blanket blessing on all unborn children everywhere in the world while on television recently.
Imagine the world if we all looked at the little children around us and said to ourselves, "well, I gotta find a way to bless these tykes..it's my job." Shouldn't it be our job to bless them? I think Francis was on to something when he blessed all the children at once, we need to find a way to bless all of the world's children.
Frankly it ought to be everyone's job to bless the next generation with the way we live as this generation. What is the point of life if not to leave the world a little better for the folks who come after us (And yes, I know lots of folks think the point of life is all about them...but that does not make it right). Shouldn't that "little better" start with the little people? After all, Jesus points to the inherent trust, love, and innocence of little children as the very model of behavior in his kingdom.
Kissing babies and blessing tots is fine and good. I do it every time I give communion. But maybe we could try a little harder. Maybe we need to take another page from Francis' playbook and try to figure out how to fix the problems that actually will make the world a better place for those kids. A world with kisses on the head is great, but a world free of poverty, war, crime, terror, and suffering is better.
Maybe you think that sort of thing is best left to the politicians, but let me tell you what, we outnumber them a million to one. And you just can't beat "critical mass" for getting things done. You and I can make the world a better place for as little as the cost of a Tall Peppermint Mocha Latte from Starbucks each week. We can expend as little time as it would take to watch the latest episode of insert your favorite show here. Change is easier than we think and fooling ourselves into thinking it is someone else's job to bless the little children is dangerous. If Jesus, with his busy schedule (saving the world and all...) can take time out to do it so can we.
So, bless the children. But try to do it without picking up babies (who might steal your hat), do it by making the world a better place for them....Actually now that I think about it....Do both.
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