The New Home of (P)Review

Welcome to the new home of (P)Review.  The old format of creating a separate web page and emailing it out had a few flaws (oh so many flaws) so now the (P)Review can be found right here at the PastorRusMinistries Blog.  The advantages are many:

  • You can re-read or catch up on old posts.
  • There is no more of that annoying problem where your email client cuts the study in half and makes you open a browser. 
  • The set-up is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy easier for me.
  • It is easier to share on social media.
  • There is much more graphic flexibility in this format.  
All in all I hope that this is a much more satisfying experience for everyone.  


Pastor Rus


Thank you for reading and, if you enjoyed it, please hit the "subscribe" at the top of the page. As always, please remember to share and leave a comment. Thanks again. God Bless.

Pastor Rus.